How Can I Help?
Care for Cows maintains abandoned cows, bulls, retired oxen and orphaned calves. We are volunteers who offer our talents and resources to tend to the neglected cows living in Krishna’s holy land. We provide medical attention, nutritious food, clean water and lifetime accommodation. At present, we host a herd of about 300 at Kiki Nagla and we feed abandoned cows on the streets on a daily basis, but many more innocent cows urgently require help shelter. Here’s how you can help.
Can I Donate To A Specific Cause?
Sponsor the Resident of Your Choice
It costs US $ 38 – Rs. 2500 per month / US $ 456 – Rs. 30000 per year to maintain a cow. Choose a resident and send payments either monthly, quarterly and yearly.
Feeds Cows for a Day
It costs US $ 1 dollar – Rs. 90 a day to feed a cow.
Decide how many cows you want to feed.

Feed Cows a feast on that Special Day
Feed Cows a feast on your birthday, anniversary, when a child is born, in honor of a departed loved-one, etc. It costs US $ 2 – Rs. 165 to feed a cow a feast.
Feed a feast to fifty cows = US $ 40 – Rs. 3500
Feed our whole herd a feast US $ 150 – Rs. 10000
The herd’s regular diet is hay, barley porridge, wheat bran, chickpea husks and fresh grass. For the feast we add jaggery and fruit (bananas/guavas/carrots/apples according to season).
Sponsor our Monthly Medical Expenses
Our medical expenses are an average of US $ 250 – Rs. 20000 per month.
General Donation
Donate as much as you like for go-seva. These donations will go for maintenance and other practical necessities like feeding pans, water buckets, cow bells, blankets, grooming brushes, ropes etc..

How Do I Donate?
Indian 80G Donations
Care for Cows Vrindavan
Public Charitable Trust
HDFC Bank Vrindavan
Acc. no.: 50200075011722
IFSC: HDFC 0000942
UPI ID: 8868821230@hdfcbank
GooglePay: 8868821230
American Paypal
European Paypal
For European SEPA countries, please use this bank account:
NL15 TRIO 0338677208
Stichting Care for Cows NL
Triodos Bank, the Netherlands
Bic/Swift Code: TRIONL2U
Get In Touch
+91 8868821230
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Indian Donations
GooglePay: 8868821230
American Paypal
European Paypal