
Moni was born around August 2011 and joined Care for Cows on 25 March 2012.

Moni was born a dwarf from a normal mother who took good care of her. Unfortunately her  mother was hit by a car on the Delhi-Agra highway and died. Moni was then kindly admitted to a goshalla on the same highway but later transferred to Care for Cows. 

Moni was a sweet cow who usually enjoyed getting attention, but could also be a little grumpy every now and then. Early 2017, she became pregnant from Care for Cow’s darf bull Kanhaiya Lal. Moni beamed through her whole pregnancy and didn’t show any of her previous grumpiness. She was so happy. Unfortunately, Moni lost her baby – a beautiful white girl – during the delivery and suffered severe injuries herself too. 

On 2 January 2018 Moni left her body as a result of the complications of the delivery. She is still missed a lot. 
